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Workflow Solutions™ //Insights

Because Knowing Is Growing

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Workflow Solutions™ //Insights

Because Knowing Is Growing

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Empowering Your Team for Greater Efficiency

Limited resources can place workflow efficiency and patient care at odds. However, with a careful, data-driven understanding of your practice, efficiency and care become symbiotic – smooth operations can give you time back for patient care. Workflow SolutionsTM //Insights provides you with objective information to help improve your practice. Knowing your clinical and operational metrics empowers your team to set and achieve goals together.

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Know Your Practice

Intuitively understand operational and clinical metrics for informed decision-making.

  • Contrast Dashboard
    Repeat injections, abnormal injections, unused contrast, and more – a comprehensive view of the inner workings of your practice.

  • Tracking History
    Track each metric from day one, including 12 months of historical data from the date of installation.

  • Simple Graphics
    Traffic light status and charts make for intuitive use.
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Set Your Goals

Easily compare your department against the average of others to set goals with the team.

  • Intuitive Comparison and Goal-Setting
    Each metric is provided with the median value of participating sites – with additional percentile information, which allows for more precise assessment.

  • Customisable Reports
    Reports can be easily defined and distributed via email and even scheduled automatically within //Insights.

  • Observations and Suggested Actions
    This feature goes beyond statistics and offers additional guidance on where to focus attention.
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Manage Your Assets

Quickly review asset health and service events.

  • Service Information
    In addition to clinical and operational metrics, //Insights also provides injection systems management information, such as remote service activities, time to fix, and type of event.

  • Asset Health Monitor
    The Asset Health Monitor gives confidence about uptime and details about Bayer and user preventive maintenance.

  • Lifecycle Status
    The asset lifecycle status provides details about product and service life to assist with investment planning.
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Ready to rediscover your workflow's potential?

Contact us today and learn how //Insights can create incredible efficiency in your daily routine. Or download the brochure.

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