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From Pioneer to Preferred Partner

Bayer products and services support Radiologists achieving high quality contrast enhanced imaging in CT and MR.

Bayer products and services support Radiologists achieving high quality contrast enhanced imaging in CT and MR.

Bayer in Radiology:
Facts & figures

As a true life science company, Bayer understands where treatment starts: With an early and precise diagnosis. Radiologists have a unique ability to provide clear direction during moments of uncertainty in a patient’s clinical journey.

Our dedication to quality in everything we do supports Radiologists to focus on patient care – which is everything that counts. Clear Direction – From Diagnosis to Care.

business facts

From Pioneer to a Preferred Partner

Continuously Evolving Innovative Patient Care

For approximately 100 years, globally we have pioneered products and services to enhance medical imaging. Today, we continue to be a  partner to radiologists and other physicians as they work to provide the best care for patients.

from pioneer to a prefered partner

Enhancing Medical Imaging along the Radiology Workflow

We provide radiologists with a portfolio of products that enhance medical imaging.

