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Workflow Solutions
//Injector Management

Because Best Practice Is Best Shared

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Workflow Solutions //Injector Management

Because Best Practice Is Best Shared

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Share Protocols at the Press of a Button

Injection protocols have a direct influence on the result of contrast-enhanced exams. With a larger number of injection systems, it may become increasingly difficult to keep all devices harmonised. This may impact the quality and consistency of contrast procedures.

//Injector Management allows for central administration of protocols, catheter, and contrast libraries. With the radiology team in control of their best practices, the department can set its own standards and operate efficiently and successfully.

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Set Your Standards

Sharing best practices is now just a click away to help ensure adherence to standards in the clinical routine.

  • Full Transparency
    See all libraries on connected devices in a single view for convenient access and a concise overview.

  • Group Multiple Devices
    Multiple devices can be grouped together to share identical libraries and to simplify management.

  • Define New Profiles
    Create and manage profiles by either duplicating your best injector's profile or defining custom libraries.
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Learn One, Know All

Grouped injectors share common protocols and names.

  • Enhanced Confidence
    Confidently use familiar protocols within a group.

  • Easy Learning
    Identical injector protocol nomenclature across scanner suites means easy learning, allowing for flexible staff rotation.

  • Full Flexibility
    All injectors retain the possibility to modify settings at any time.
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Better Together

Networking injectors benefits the whole team.

  • Suggest New Protocols
    Best practice can still evolve, so //Injector Management makes it easy to suggest new protocols for inclusion in the library.

  • Centrally Stored Backup
    Exchanging injectors for service is faster and simpler with a centrally stored backup.

  • Patient Priors
    When combined with the available //Smart Protocols software, patient priors from connected devices are selectable, e.g. for follow-ups.
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Start Sharing Your Best Practices with Injector Management.

Contact us today and learn how //Injector Management can make protocols more accessible and shareable. Or download the brochure.

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